Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Downer Cow

Don’t be such a downer cow they say

Come join in all the reindeer games we play

Don’t you dare ask who moved your cheese

We own you and do with you as we please

We’ve got you now, so assimilate

Give up your soul and you’re sure to be great

Submit completely or blackballed you’ll be

Go ahead and leave, after all you’re free

Bribery made us you sovereign lords

Representation goes to who can best afford

So no amount of votes will get the people far

Impirio in imperium we are

Don’t be such a downer cow they say

There is more life force to squeeze out of your day

For your damages we need not pay

For isn’t it the downer cow they slay

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Hearts and Minds

You think you're doing enough

You think you're doing fine

You think you can keep on bidin' your time

There were the right things to say

But you never said them

They weren’t even written on the prompter you read

You think you did the right things

Won’t apologize

In the name of law and order you destroyed lives

The overseer’s scion

Exacting the debts

Only we debtors have promises that must be kept

Just there Bidin’ your time for 

Thirty-five years

Demagoguing pearl clutching white mice and their fears

So many locked away

For what should be no crime

Now you ain’t gonna win the hearts and minds

You want us to believe

You’ve gotten sweeter with time

But you ain’t gonna win our hearts and minds

And you, glowing orange

Don’t think you’re in the clear

You’ve lived your whole life insulated from fear

Win or lose you’ll get 

what is coming to you

Not a threat, just soothsayer delivering news

You think you’ve done great

The best there’s ever been

But self-exaltation will end in abasement again

Is it so hard to learn

Crushing dissent is disgrace

The people will teach--won’t take a punch in the face

You’ve bought votes on the range

You’ve bought votes in the lofts

But transactions alone only get you so far

At the end of the day

You think true freedom is crime

So you’ll never win our hearts and minds

The numbers aren’t with you

Among those still alive

And you’re never gonna win our hearts and minds

It's time to stand down

Occupation must end
Tanks and fatigues have no place on streets again

You try to outlaw our lives
The people punish this sin
Maybe we'll be lenient if you make great amends

Otherwise a cleansing fire
Will separate silver from dross
And fill a dark hole with tin-badged despots

Why the people rage
can't be a mystery
Fuzz ought long ago been left in the dustbin of history

Still time to surrended
And make restitution
Restored social compact may curb revolution

Social unrest always stems
From treason on high
That's why you can't win these hearts and minds

Soothsayer warns
Oh, beware the ides
You're never gonna win these hearts and minds



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"Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men: Therefore the people alone have an incontestible unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it." -- Constitution of Massachusettes (1780)